♫ No song as I'm too busy to think of one.
Thursday, 28 July 2011
Thursday, 21 July 2011
Memalukan..sungguh memalukan!!!
♫ Ku Mahu - Siti Nurhaliza
Lalu bermulalah al-kisah aura2 nak memalukan...aku membetulkan tudung ular senduk yang aku baru nk cuba2 pakai berbanding tudung bawal biasa tuh...tengah aku betul2kan tudung tu, mamat comel tu da ready pegang kamera tengok aku betulkan tudung. (Eh, malu la plak dik non!) Aku pon, "Kejap ea jap jap".."takpe2" die senyum la pulak...
ツMalu~!!! =">
Ku hayun langkah kakiku demi melunaskan hasrat di hati. Foto. Ya,foto passport buat pengisian borang melanjutkan bidang perubatan ku. Esok hari harus ku isi semuanya di Kolej ku.. Ah, perihal foto ini harus segera diselesaikan. Mamaku, Kak Long ku, Suami Kak Long, Kak Ayu serta diriku melangkah ke Alamanda, sebuah kompleks membeli belah di Putrajaya. Mama kami tinggalkan sebentar di tempat mengurut kaki, letih barangkali seharian berjalan dan mengemas rumah. Kak Long dan suaminya entah ke mana berdua...
Maka aku dan Kak Ayu menuju ke kedai foto. FOTOKEM.
Dengan senang hati, aku melangkah masuk. DUP!! (Alamak,hensemnye mamat dalam kedai ni~)
Aku memanggil kakakku, "Eby,comel la mamat tuh~ngeee" lalu tanpa dipinta kakiku terus melangkah masuk ke dalam kedai dan bertanya pada mamat comel tersebut, "Brape ek kalau gamba passport?" "RM15 untuk 8 keping"...okay then~
Lalu bermulalah al-kisah aura2 nak memalukan...aku membetulkan tudung ular senduk yang aku baru nk cuba2 pakai berbanding tudung bawal biasa tuh...tengah aku betul2kan tudung tu, mamat comel tu da ready pegang kamera tengok aku betulkan tudung. (Eh, malu la plak dik non!) Aku pon, "Kejap ea jap jap".."takpe2" die senyum la pulak...
Usai membetulkan walaupun da senget2 tudung tu aku kerjakan, aku melabuhkan diri di atas kerusi depan background kaler biru tersebut. Tiba2, kakak aku cakap ape tah..aku pon gelak!ngehhh..
Kat blakang saneeeee...tempat aku amik gamba smpai terketar-ketar |
Snap! 1 gamba diambil..aku tengok lik, "Aiseh,buruk ah..tgh gelak~Amik skali ag bleyh?"dia pon okey la..amik je.
Snap! Lagi skali..tengok agi, alamak!macam muka kura2 tahan gelak...x nmpak braces.
Snap! Aku da malu daa..rase panas menyerbu da kat pipi aku..tapi buruk gak..muke macam senget tudung kembang macam ular senduk mengamuk. (*_*) oh no!
Tapi sebab da malu punye pasal..aku cakap, amik la yg first tadi tuh...Akak aku pon tengok la gamba tadi tu kat screen komputer.lagi besau la kan..Masya Allah..muke gelak memang sgt tak kelakar la..Akak aku pon cakap, "Amik je lagi gamba lain...dia photographer, tape..dia suka amik gamba byk2 kali.." (Ye la tuh..kalo muke cam Angelina Jolie tape gak nk byk2 kali) tapi mamat ni ok je, dia bg can aku amik lagi..
Aku pon kemikkan pipi aku bagi menahan gelak..penyek2 sikit pipi sbb aku rase mcm da merah menyala bak buah delima tambah muke aku da kelat da malu..
Snap! ya Allah kau tayah cakap la..muke macam tertelan buaya!!siyes habes..aku pon nak bangun da..tibe2 lagi skali la dia bg snap..
Aku bisik kat akak aku.. "Eby, leh tak eby je la amik gamba adik?Segan laaa"
Tapi tak jadi sbb mamat tuh da ready.Sumpah kali ni aku tak tipu..aku terketar-ketar da dengan aku segan agi lelaki kat depan aku..mata ke mata kang jatuh ke hati kang naya aku. Dah la tadi aku yang beriye cakap dia comel..Haaa,amik padan muke aku! Gigil2 sampai akak aku da gelak tengok muke aku pucat!!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaa...sumpah malu sampai skang!Malu malu malu sebab gugup ade lelaki hensem jarak 2 langkah depan aku, tambah lagi malu sebab da 5 kali dia snap gamba aku! what the tettttt!!!kalau lawa takpe gak..
Sebab da malu sangat last2 amik la gamba mane-mane pn among the 5!!ahahhaha...duk tunggu2 abang sorg agi kat kaunter suh bayar dlu..aku pn kuar dengan laju nye dari kedai FOTOKEM tu lpas bayar sampai lupe amik resit~Pandai memang pandai la Sabila~
Kat luar aku da tak cukup nafas malu sangat2 da..kencang jantung beb kalah mesin bunyi2 bising kat spital tuh. Aku n kakakku pegi melantak kat Mc Donald bagi menenteramkan perasaan gemuruh. Tapi tak reda lagi rupanya aku bile ingat balik detik tadi. Abes akak aku kene tibai dek tangan aku yang nervous ceves tu.. Tengah jalan pon leh lagi aku langgar signboard *SECTION CLOSED* kat McD tuh.
Abes makan aku n kakak naek balik nk g amik gamba. Tetibe....jeng jeng jeng. KEDAI TUTUP! Hah??? Alaaa..sok da la pagi2 aku nk g banting tempat jin bertendang tuh..takkan nak datang lik Alamanda ni? Da la resit tadek!apekah??? Aku melangkah longlai.. Dalam kereta kejadian itu diceritakan ke seisi keluarga oleh Kak Ayu. Ceh!gegak gempita la kereta tertawakan aku yang gugup dengan lelaki comel tersebut. Gile ape!Mama cakap, "Alahai,kesiannye anak aku..amik la gamba laen..x jadi ke gamba nye?" Da bayar kot...takkan nak bazir 8 keping sbb muke kura2 tuh?esok je la amik. Sampai umah, aku teringat balik peristiwa bibir aku terketar-ketar.Agaknye mamat tuh prasan tak aku terketar neves sampai mcm tuh skali?Malunye la aku..aduuhhhh!!Last2, aku sampai ternanges mengingatkan betapa tak warasnya aku memalukan diri di hadapan seorang arjuna yang aku langsung tak kenal. Tah hape hape la Sabila ni..
Malam tu aku tak lena tidur..First time kot aku terketar-ketar depan seorang mamat sampai macam tuh!Siyes nnt aku nak cat dinding umah kaler biru background gamba passport then amik sndiri gamba.hoho..Demi menenangkan diri aku pon recall balik.. "Ala..aku tak ingat pon muke dia camne..kalau jumpe tepi jalan pon aku tak kenal laaa..So kesah ape..tayah layan sgt la prasaan malu tuh"...So aku zzzZzzzZZzzzz dengan lena. (tak lena pon sbb aku terdemam nanges tadi)
Esok paginye aku bertekad tanak g amik gamba tu dengan mamat tersebut. Aku pegi kat kaunter tuh mintak gamba aku dengan seorang abang lain..Aku da nmpk mamat smalam tu kat kaunter blkg. Tapi abang kaunter depan ni pass lak aku kat mamat comel tuh..aduhai tensen btul gua.Aku dengar abang kaunter dpan panggil nama mamat comel tuh as "hafiz" kot~But kan kan....tup! ttibe mamat comel tuh hulur gamba aku. (Cewah..dia da ready la tuh nk jupe aku dari awal pagi..haha.prasan!)..Aku pn tunduk jee...cakap "Terima kasih" then trus blah tanpa menoleh lagi.
Itulah kisah memalukan bagi aku terketar-ketar kau haaa!sampai 5 kali snap.What say you??kui3..tanak da amik gamba ngan photographer laki hensem.bahhahaa...nasib baek aku da abes skola Seri Puteri Cyberjaya tuh.Kalu tak tiap2 minggu aku g maen bowling, jejalan kat alamanda tu ngan Sue,Syaq, ngan Alya. Tak ke naya kalau terjumpa lagi.
What say you?penah malu tak?knape?share la...layaaaannn~chillax!
Sunday, 17 July 2011
Suke suki jalan kaki ubat hati
♫ Lagu Happy - Amy Mastura
ツ Eksaited! yippeee
***Pagi-suke suki jalan kaki***
Awal2 pagi abah da tepon,nasib baek da bgun..kalo tak terserlah la ketidak anggunan sore comot anakonda abah ni.
Abah : Da siap da?
Saya : Err...dah?knape bah? *confiusciasnism*
Abah : Kamu nak datang cni ke abah nak ambil?abah ambil la..
Saya : Eh, jap2 abah..ni nak pegi mane ni?Kami nk pegi floria arini...
Abah : ye laa..abah pon nk pegi jugak~abah n ofal aje 2 org nk ikut..mama bgtau abah da..
Saya : *gedebuk!alamak,taching lak abah ni* ooo,ok2...nnt kami g sane la.jap2 ea..
Lepas seploh minit abah tepon lagi...
Abah : Knape x dtg lagi?lambat laa...
Saya : Laa..kejap la.nk mekap dlu ape sume..hihi.
Abah : Td kata da siap?
Saya : Heh,td da siap mandi ajeee...kui3 (dup dap dup dap jantung)
Abah : Alaa..abah dtg sane la..lg 5 minit turun bawah.
(Bzzzztttt..renjatan letrik!anak2 askar ngan isteri askar siap sedia turun bawah)
Sronok yabeda beduu nye ialah abah bawak keta dr KL ke KLIA. (dah lame abah x drive sbb x brape sehat)..kami gi KLIA anta abang kesayangan saye, Abam Bonbon pegi Bandung.ade conference ngan kawan2 master and PhD beliau. (perghhh...master kot abam saye!!ko ade?) Good luck abam mucuk!muahxxx 3 baldi.
Pastu kami g floria...yihaa!sronok ronok la jejalan tgk bunge2,pokok2..da cam Tarzan da beta duk snip snap gamba bunge kiri kanan smpi kene marah ngan Pak Cik RELA sbb pijak rumput kesayangan dia.Sorry la Uncle, eksaited kot 'bagai Tarzan masuk bandar'...Knape suke suki benor?Nengok lerr..lawo kemain haa..
bunge feveret! indah tak terkata. cik cik kekwa! |
Si manis kekwa |
Cik kekwa tenggelam timbul kelemasan |
Karpet orang2 pakistan.miahaha |
Anak2 askar teruja tgk Jalur Gemilang! (bunga ros dlm test tube ade liquid kaler kali waner wani) |
Hye honey~nnt kita kawen camni mau? |
Roses are forever : Tema Floria 2011 |
Pokok Limau Madu yang dikidnap oleh kami untuk ditanam |
Siblings carnation |
Lavender~ooo,ni la sabun mandi kat umah nye extract =P |
Malas nk cakap byk.terkelu da tgk gamba je pon.nnt usha la floria tu sndiri untuk tema bunga ape lak tahun depan.walaopon da 5 tahun skola kat Cyberjaya tuh, daku x seberapa cyber sgt la sbb ni baru 1st time pegi.ngeee...tape,a step is better than just golek2 on floor.eh? -.-''
Yang penting, lemak2 gua gugur lagi buat sekelian lame tak berkebun.last kt KMB tahun lpas time community service.truk3..abah suh tanam 5 pokok yg dia tibai kat floria smpi penuh bonet n tmpt duduk dpan blkg keta tu kat umah...terserlah la kejantanan yg x brape nk ade kt anakonda nye ini memegang cangkul di terik tengahari. phew...berpeluh mak non! ~.~" Selamat idup duhai pokok2 tanamam Tarzan ye!
***Malam-ubat hati***
Tadi da riang ria ribena sgt tawaf Putrajaya tuh smpi lenguh tidor tak hengat!!lame kot x tido ptang...masyaAllah..memandangkn malam ni Nisfu Sya'ban maka ayah askar dan ibu askar mengerah anak2 askar ke Majlis Tilawah Al-Quran ke-53 kat PWTC.ahlan wa sahlan ya marhaban bikum...taffaddhal2~
Ramai gak orang gi..sejuk mata memandang,sejuk lagi aircond dalam hall tersebut. ~(*.*)~ chill la!
Mase Ketua Anjuran Tilawah cakap, saye cam x brape phm sgt arab yg fasih bebeno depa cakap tuh, maka dgn berbekalkn yasin pemberian majlis dlm beg merah tu, khatam la bacaan sbyk 3 kali dlm hall tu jugak!hooho.lame gak dia ngan Agong ckp so smpat la abes an..tahniah2 buat diri sndiri...mudah2an bacaan tu diberkati-Nya..insyaAllah amin... =) pegi la lagi lenkali ye nak oiii...
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ayahanda dan bonda tunggak penggerak nadi anak bangsa |
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Pendengar tilawah paling khusyuk jatuh kepada....jeng3 |
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Nadi2 anak bangsa yang kelaparan |
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Gadis2 suwit muwit..ngeee |
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Gadis2 kilauan emas =P hehe |
So nisfu sya'ban kan disunatkn berpuasa..maka alhamdulillah arini mission accomplished! Tahniah gak wat bf ku (cewah!) nun jauh disane sbb berpose gak..haha.congratz la kat ko sbb akak blanje mkn kt luar bbuke.hihi..Buat sume, smoge amalan buku baru kita ni dihiasi dgn indahnya ibadah dan kebajikan untuk-Nya...amin....
Maka dengan ini,washing machine daku pn da siap berputar untuk memerah kudratku lak untuk menyidai..lalu,daku berlalu pegi...
Gamba byk2 tuh,nengok je ler yer,x reti nk compress padat2...eksaited sgt.haha..
Syukran jazilan..amma ba'..(^^,)v
Friday, 15 July 2011
Everything I do is....
♫ Quit playing games with my heart - Backstreet boys
ツCrying in the rain *head banging on floor* m(_ _)m
Even in my heart, I see
You're not being true to me
Deep within my soul, I feel
Nothing's like it used to be
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could
So bad, baby
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (with my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've know from the start
You know you've gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearing us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I live my life, the way
To keep you coming back to me
Everything I do
Is for you
So what is it that you can't see
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could
So bad, baby you'd better quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (with my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've know from the start
You know you've gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearing us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games
Baby, baby
The love that we had was so strong
Don't leave hangin' here forever
Oh baby, baby this is not a lie
Let's stop this tonight
Baby, ohh, quit playing games
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah nah nah baby
Nah nah nah nah
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could
So bad baby
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (with my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've know from the start
You know you've gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearing us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah nah nah baby
Nah nah nah nah
Quit playing ganes with my heart
With my heart, with my heart
With my heart, with my heart
Even in my heart, I see
You're not being true to me
Deep within my soul, I feel
Nothing's like it used to be
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could
So bad, baby
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (with my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've know from the start
You know you've gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearing us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I live my life, the way
To keep you coming back to me
Everything I do
Is for you
So what is it that you can't see
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could
So bad, baby you'd better quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (with my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've know from the start
You know you've gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearing us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games
Baby, baby
The love that we had was so strong
Don't leave hangin' here forever
Oh baby, baby this is not a lie
Let's stop this tonight
Baby, ohh, quit playing games
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah nah nah baby
Nah nah nah nah
Sometimes I wish I could
Turn back time
Impossible as it may seem
But I wish I could
So bad baby
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games with my heart
Before you tear us apart (with my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
I should've know from the start
You know you've gotta stop (from my heart)
You're tearing us apart (my heart)
Quit playing games with my heart
Quit playing games
Nah nah nah nah nah nah nah
Nah nah nah nah nah baby
Nah nah nah nah
Quit playing ganes with my heart
With my heart, with my heart
With my heart, with my heart
p/s : All I do is to make you happy. But,what you did seemed to make me unhappy. (-_-*)
Wednesday, 13 July 2011
Nihon oishii des ne
♫ An an an tottemo daisuki - Doraemon
ツ ( ^‐^)_且~~ motenasu
Ohayo gozaimas!genki des ka?
Watashi wa Sabila Tanaka kawai-san des..(`ー´)
Watashi kodomo of Tanaka's foster family..
Anata kari masen?watashi kari manis...hi hi hi.. =P
Well this time wanna share journey I've been through when I was 15 years old to Japan. Yea I know, outdated.but...who cares? (^_-)☆wink~!
I went there because I was selected by Terengganu state for Japanese Wintership Programme under PAMAJA...it was after my PMR. I thought it was just a joke when my sista told me about this news via phone yet I'm lucky though..it's true!!ottoke!
The trip started with a camp for about 3 days in Universiti Malaya, Japanese Language Department. My friends and I, altogether 16 people learnt some Nihon-go, culture, dance and practiced Malaysian Performance. I love my friends...They're all nice and havoc! \(^∀^)メ(^∀^)ノ
When I first step in Japan, it was winter..early winter but already cold.Breezy~ made me having to put on lipbalm almost every 30 minutes. (haa,brand mentholatum is good!) At airport, I was suprised actually to see that the polystyrene that we used to pack food was replaced by bamboo overthere.Soooo nature's lover an? And and, so hard to understand the signboards..all in Nihon-go.Luckily the toilets got gender symbols.
Enough of that. Cheah and me was 'adopted' by my Papa to Mama living in Nagasaki. A place just beside the sea where history of Hiroshima got bombarded made. The houses overthere were cosy tho small. Nice indeed. We slept in tatami, not really a bed but seriously comfy like comforter.weeehhhuuu...The toilet is super dry, not a drop of water on the floor found. \(^ ^)/ They're all nice. Their daughter and son are living quite far from their house. I managed to meet them twice and also met my dearest Sheung and Hakka, their kids.
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Papa to Mama (mind the blackness of me~ =P) |
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Sheung (boy), Haruka (smallest girl) and Hakka (girl) |
2 weeks over there, I went to school, meeting new friends (they're bigger tho younger than me). I learnt few things; those students, they ate together during recess in class. And to clean up the class, those who lose playing "o-som" had to do it, willingly. =) The citizens walk very fast! They drove and stopped one metre away from the front car. They greeted each other nicely tho they are not friends, coz they are 1 Japanese. =P Hard to describe much but I did learned a lot. I mean, a lot! ( ̄▽ ̄)
My Mama cried when we left the house. She gave me the family's pearl shapped like peanut to be made as necklace. In hotel during our last day performance, she asked me to always remember them when I look at the sun (Japan :Land of the rising sun). Sugaarrr moi? (;_・)I did memorize the sayonara lyrics but now kinda forgot.ofoi~ Oh, I also met this prince charming..whom everyone talked in Japan language "Shashin ishyoni des ka?" to take photos together with him however...... し(*・∀・)/♡\(・∀・*)
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Dia MELAYU laa..student. Dunno where and who he is until now. |
My Papa and Mama will come over to Malaysia this August!!!yeeehhhaaa yabedabeduuuu~~
ヘ(^_^ヘ)(ノ^_^)ノ I like to muvit muvit~hope to see them soon...very soon!
Too much to be shared.but..I just..miss Japan so much! be strong you citizens for the earthquake.(*・_・)ノ
Arigatou gozaimas...sayonara..ja mataaa~(・ェ・)ヤ(・ェ-)ス(-ェ・)ミ(-ェ-)。o○Zzz… oyasuminasai~
Friday, 8 July 2011
Nikmat anugerah
♫ Syukur - Raihan
"Semua orang boleh bersabar.
Tapi tak semua orang boleh bersyukur."
Got my IB result and praise be to Allah for giving me this grateful result.
He knows the best for me, InsyaAllah...
Guide me to Your pathway Ya Rabb.
Special lovely thanks to all my beloved :
Ex-classmates (M09U+M09R)
Besties buddy
Besties buddy
Anyone all over the world
For you have taught me LIFE!
Wish all the best to my friends,as well as myself.
Let's strive!!
P/S : I love you!!!wait for mamma miaaa...
*Lovely movie adapted from Cecelia Ahern novel. Location: Ireland*
Wednesday, 6 July 2011
Come get closer...
♫ Destinasi Cinta - Mestica
Well, today wanna share ayat-ayat cinta...ayuh!kembali ke skolah!!eh, ayuh kembali kepada Allah!! Allahuakbar~!!!
Source : http://islamicthinking.tumblr.com/post/3483576498/10-things-that-bring-the-love-of-allah-swt |
Ibn Qayyim RA said that there are ten things that bring about the love of Allah SWT.
1) Recitation of the Qur’ an with reflection and with understanding of its meanings.
2) Seeking closeness to Allah by performing voluntary deeds after having performed obligatory ones, for that leads one to the highest levels of love.
1) Recitation of the Qur’ an with reflection and with understanding of its meanings.
2) Seeking closeness to Allah by performing voluntary deeds after having performed obligatory ones, for that leads one to the highest levels of love.
3) Remembering Allah during every situation - with one’s time, heart and deeds, one’s share of that love is to the degree of one’s share in that remembrance.
4) Preferring what He loves to what you love when your desires are strong.
5) Allowing your heart to reflect on His Names and Attributes.
6) Reflecting on His many favors and blessings, both the apparent ones and hidden ones, for that leads to His love.
7) Having your heart softened as it is worshipping Allah.
8) Being alone with Him in worship when He descends during the last third of the night. And this means to invoke Him, to recite His Speech, to stand with all sincerity and with good manners and with good submission, and then to end that with repentance and with seeking His forgiveness.
9) Sitting with those who are truthful in their love of Allah.
10) Staying away from all that creates barriers between the heart and Allah.
4) Preferring what He loves to what you love when your desires are strong.
5) Allowing your heart to reflect on His Names and Attributes.
6) Reflecting on His many favors and blessings, both the apparent ones and hidden ones, for that leads to His love.
7) Having your heart softened as it is worshipping Allah.
8) Being alone with Him in worship when He descends during the last third of the night. And this means to invoke Him, to recite His Speech, to stand with all sincerity and with good manners and with good submission, and then to end that with repentance and with seeking His forgiveness.
9) Sitting with those who are truthful in their love of Allah.
10) Staying away from all that creates barriers between the heart and Allah.
Don't be afraid to repent to Allah..
Each step you take for the sake of being close to Allah,
Allah takes many more to be closer to you..
Oh Allah...I miss having heart conversation with You..I miss crying with You..
Allah..Allah..Allah..Innallahama ana..Allah ma'a..Allah..Allah...Allah..
I love Allah....
Tuesday, 5 July 2011
No Money, Take it easy!
♫ Relax, take it easy - Mika
I've been paranoid over the result I guess.
What say you?
Nytee nytezzz....
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