Tuesday, 31 May 2011

Tanya sama pokok

Pokok - Meet Uncle Hussain

*Demam fobia*

Jangan main tarik tali. Kamu menyiksa saya.
Saya mahu kamu. Saya tak mahu kamu.
Terlalu mahu dan mahu.
Terlupa apa yang perlu.

 Shuh shuh!

:) dedikasi.
:( tapi tak disukai.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Zibi zibi zibi..

♫ Just Can't Get Enough - Black Eyed Peas
ツ Satisfied


I just had nightmare last night. Urghh..sent that away from me. Maka untuk membusykan diri jauh dari nightmare, me and my sis planned to settle everything regarding government matters today..cam keje2 renew passport, identity card, lesen, surat terberanak, ASB and bla3...so, there we go...aigooo!!!

Biasenye kalau mende2 camni memang salu buat kat Putrajaya but this time around kami meredah lautan maju junction. First time g sini. OK gak,laju..siap sume lesen 5 tahun *dah lesen besau yee*, IC baru amik lagi seploh hari, surat beranak baru yang cun siap laminate, and lastly passport yang hensem untuk ke Singapura wat kat wangsa maju tadi...wheee!! LOMPAT LOMPAT!! 

Now just have to memerah keringat untuk mencari ongkos ke lioncheating country jerp. Hurm, mane mane mane?? Sape nak bagi keje kat sy? Untuk penelitian..


*Boleh menaip - surat rasmi, tidak rasmi, surat menyurat, surat tersirat, surat cinta dsb by hand or typing.
*Cergas - boleh melompat riang dengan aktif
*Memasak - megi, air masak, bubur segera, telur dan ayam drumet.
 *Cerdas - cemerlang dalam exam Agama baru-baru ini.
Berpengetahuan - tahu segala apa yang tatau pn buat2 tau.
*Kebolehan berbahasa - Melayu, Inggeris, Cina, Hindustan, Arab, Jepun dll. juga boleh goodle translate.

For more info, please contact me at 01*-3*8*4**

Berminat?ngehhsss... =P 

OK, mood suke suki tak abes lagi.. I just can't get enough!
Ini lah akibat bile keje da banyak setel an an an...
 Need to chill..dush3..
Tengok muvee lah..Leap Year.zaaasss~

Sunday, 29 May 2011

Semangat Patriotisme

Parajurit Tanah Air - Rakyat Malaysia

Andai kata kami gugur semua...taburlah bunga di atas pusara..Kami mohon doa..Malaysia berjaya!
Yeah!! insyaAllah Malaysia akan terus maju dan kekal merdeka.
Untuk melaungkan kemerdekaan adalah mudah, untuk mengekalkan kemerdekaan?? 
Pastinya sesuatu yang...anda jawablah sendiri. :)

Awat la semangat bonar neyh?Hurm..ini adalah impak dari Biro Tatanegara untuk Kursus Kenegaraan Mahasiswa  pada 23-27 Mei yang lepas di Tanjung Thu, Sepang.Semangat gak ah skang..
Sebelum pergi, memang sangat pemalas tahap beruang la nak pergi. Tapi setelah akak sy cakap, ramai org ensem jadi fasilitator, agak teruja gak nak pegi..wahaha.. *tipu jerh~*
Setibanya kat sane, kebetulan datang skali ngan my ex-rumet and ex-klasmet so daftar skali. And kitorg masuk dewan tu lambat dari yang lain2 yang datang ngan bas KMB. Dan yang pasti, saya sangat segan swaktu ditegur oleh sorang jurulatih swaktu bjalan depan rakyat2 Malaysia yg ramai tuh.. 
"Haa..tengok tu, serius je..macam ni la gaya Doktor berjalan"..
What say you??Ngehsss...sengih je la bro..uhuk3.. :D 
Overall, kat sini kami diberi pendedahan tentang perlembagaan persekutuan which is Malaysia la kan..
dan sistem pemerintahan, undang2, hierarki, politik, mahkamah dan byk3 lagi..nak tau, pegi la BTN ye..
Ade lagi yg best, kne lari tepi pantai 2km kurang 24 minit..memang sgt syiok smpi gugur lemak2 yg diternak di KMB..huks..sib baek lpas 18 minit..hoho.ujian kecerdasan pun mmg klakar la kan umur fisio 30-34 tahun.Tua da den ghupenye.. :| tapi tapi tapi...ustaz kata umur 40 baru matang..so before tuh,kanak2 agi ah kan? :P ngee.
One thing yang thrill, dapat naik abseiling...besh!for second group starting group 6 sampai 10, saya orang pertama yang naik..pemandangan pantai Morib indah sangat tak terkata sampai leka hingga tertipu oleh gurauan Pak Din kononnya leh nampak bumbung KMB dari atas tuh..dan dengan naifnya, daku percaya! anak sapa la ni.. -.-'' and turun abseiling stinggi 4 tingkat sangat best, laju and rasa macam spiderwoman...fiuuuuu~dush! Malam last je yang kurang best sikit sbb malam last tuh, ade simulasi yang mcm herk!apakah?daku tidak mengerti..biarlah rahsia.tapi before tu ada persembahan lagu patriotik.Gempak gak la jadi penjajah an..mati tergolek atas stage.segan gak doww..sib baek 10 orang je lelaki kat kem kali ni..wiihuuu.. KMB gabung ngan Taylor's College dis time.sempat la knal2 jugak kawan baru..

What say me? BTN sangat best..berbesar hati la jugak dapat pegi sini eventhough awal2 kuasa beruang malas menakluki jiwa.hehes..Itu saya punya pendapat la pasal BTN ni...itu hak saya la kan nk cakap BTN best ke ape sebab menurut perkara 10 perlembagaan, saya berhak menyuarakan pendapat saya..tak begitu? Berlagak betul mentang2 dah tau sikit pasal buku perlembagaan Malaysia kan.. haha :D

Dan ni salah satu hasil penelitian haiwan-haiwan yang terdapat kat kem ni... *ahha,menipu jeee*
Ni hasil permintaan kawan2 BTN suruh lukiskan..Farah nak itik, Wani nk spider, Mira nak rama2 and bla3..maka, Tadaaaa~

(*_*) apo bondo eh jang??

Oh dan ini, saya kembali ke zaman kanak-kanak darjah 5 *pinjam baju adik darjah 5*..saya pakai baju macam ni waktu darjah 1 and 2 je..darjah 3 sterusnya da pakai kain and tudung skola pink sebab jadi pengawas.


BTN? Chill la~best kot!

The End or The Beginning?

Waiting for the end - Linkin Park
ツ Annoyed

I survived International Baccalaureate!
and obviously I'm still alive.big clap for that.

Here it goes. I have no idea of what KMB or IB was when I first entered that place I called as forest of nowhere. What I knew, super tough and if I survived, YEAY me! and alhamdulillah, with His blessing, I managed to at least be there for these past 2 years. WHAT?? (o.O) *blink2*

Back then in KMB, I was included in a super unique class. Why? Because.. never in KMB there was any class that combined engineering and medicine students in one class. And we did. M09U. *U stands for unique
I enjoyed that class so much, with only 7 girls and 17 boys. What say you? hoho. FUN! Guaranteed. With my classmates whom were all crazy and genius, combination of future doctors and engineers wasn't bad at all. ;) 
We lasted together for 2 semester before we had to change classes due to Mathematics Higher and Standard levels and also regarding English Higher and Standard level. :(
Honestly, I wasn't that happy to be able to change classes. But, as one of my friend said...
"Sometimes, in the wind of change, then only we find our true direction."
 :) Life must go on..

There it goes..another new class..all future doctors in M09R. Alhamdulillah. I met some people who taught me of few things I never get to know. Thanks darlings. New teachers, new experience, and new stories too.. :)
I used to be one of that noisy and naughty kid. *ehem, I'm still a kid okayh~
When I entered this new class, I tend to recognized few changes in me. I rarely talk or wave to people that I used to do..For example, seeing someone walking, I jumped and waved excitedly at him or her. But that was before I learnt some behaviour from new friends. People can change~ ;P
I had the serious fuse mode in me. And laugh like monster only when I'm with certain people. Might as well I changed due to the hectic life of doing EE, TOK, and IAs.. *some nicknames of monsters in IB*
Everything lasted until the last semester 4. Final examination of IB. Hooray that we all did our best. Hope that my friends and I manage to get good results. InsyaAllah..

Only few days before I left KMB, I realized one thing. I don't really like being in KMB. But! When I heard a ceramah from an ustaz in one Thursday night, there's blessings in disguise.
I got to meet many new friends whom are all fantastics (*doctors, engineers, dentists, biotechnologists, businessman, WOW!*) , I started to know about Tafsir Al-Quran in which I never know what does 13:28 means (*is it time of 1.28p.m?*) and so many things which are hard to describe. One thing for sure, thanks ustaz for your words. 
"May this road I take is a pathway for me to get to your Jannah"  
 MasyaAllah..hope everything I did, I do and will do will bring me closer to Him.

Now it has been like few days away from hectic life of IB. At home,cosy and super lazy.. :)
But I loike that. You'll never get this chance anymore. I bet you won't.
Ouh,yes. I tend to get annoyed with some people who cannot stop complaining.
Back then when they were busy studying, they complaint to get rest and holidays..
But now, when they do get holidays, complaints made as if they cannot do anything rather than just study.
Oh c'mon.. blah blah blaaahh... -.-''
You still have lot more to do. Renew your license, IC, passport, go for trips, water the plants, wash your cars, take your bro and sis out at playground, visit your relatives, drawing, dance class, piano class, or khatam Al-Quran 30 or 50 times. 
So many things to do right? 

Life is so precious to be regret of just with complaints.
Stop complaining. Just do something. Atleast.
So now, is it the end or the beginning of holidays?
What say you? Chillax~

Friday, 27 May 2011


 Fireworks - Katy Perry

Tadaaa~ >(^^,)<

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful.. 

It has been quite a long time I've been delaying the proposal of making a blog.
And today boom!pooofff~
created a history in my life.

A blog?
Never it has crossed my mind.
But due to certain things and when I looked back at my previous not serious blog, I smiled.
It's kinda cool and great to have one.
Because sometimes....
when voice fails, writings say it all..ngeee :D 
The good ones, take it as lessons...the bad ones, let us together improve..
Well..let me begin with, pardon for any of my flaws throughout my writings..

Relax,take it easy..What say you?
Chill la.. (^^,)v

